Friday, November 12, 2010

Winter here we come!

I am back after a long break--sorry. I feel horrible because I looked at the last date I updated my blog and it made me sad :( I really want to write,  but I have been terribly side-tracked lately. Even though family life is rough right now and drastic and changes are in our near future, I feel warm inside knowing that the holiday season is right around the corner. I love this time of year when the mornings are cold, the leafs are changing beautiful colors, and the smell of cinnamon is wherever I go. I recently put out my cinnamon pine cones--they still smell good from last year.

This morning, when I decided to make the kids and me North Pole Pancakes I thought to myself, I just have to write. Here they are!
                                                                    Elf, and reindeer!
Christopher sat on the barstool by the stove and watched me cook, while Charlotte played on the floor with a whisk-- she looked up every once and a while and smiled :) The kids loved watching me make the pancakes with the molds and they especially loved eating them. Today was Charlotte's first
time eating pancakes and the picture tells it all--she loved them!

Charlotte ate the reindeer!
and Christopher ate the elf...and
Momma ate Frosty :)
My morning started off with a good cup of coffee, yummy pancakes and a good laugh. When it was time to sit at the table and eat, Christopher said, "No, momma, cold!" He refused to sit on the chair and then ran to the couch. I noticed a few minutes later that he dragged the blanket from the couch across the room and draped it over his chair. He was saying cold because he did not want his skin to touch the 'cold' wooden chair (he was wearing a t-shit with big boy undies). He cracks me up--he then sat on the blanket and ate his pancakes. He of course said, "Mmmm momma, thank you." And Charlotte just ate and smiled.

I hope everyone else started their Friday morning off right right, with a good laugh too :)

I will be back soon!