Sunday, October 17, 2010

Hi! I feel awful that I have not updated the blog with any stories, pictures or videos. It has been crazy busy in the Markovic house lately. The newest is, Christopher is fully potty trained, yep, he wears big boy undies and goes pee pee and poo poo in the potty. After one week we are now at that point where he lets me know when it is time to go. For example, He will tell me, "Momma, poo poo" and that means he needs to pee--so we run to the bathroom and he pees. And other times he will tell me, "Mamma, big one!" and that means he needs to go poo--so we run to the bathroom and he poops. I don't know where that came from, but I am so proud of him. He caught on so quickly. Not only do I show excitement when he goes, he yells, "it works" while he is going potty and it is always followed with a great big smile. He's so enthusiastic; I love him!

Ms Charlotte is also keeping my very busy. She is walking all over the house. She enjoys following her big brother everywhere! She actually keeps up with him pretty good. She wears her self out by the end of the day from all the activity and is ready for bed at 6:30. Lately, I have been putting her down at 6:30 pm and and she will wake up at 8:am. That's definitely my girl!

My parent's watched the kids for me all day Sunday so I can go pamper myself for my birthday. I had the whole day to myself. I went and got a massage and facial, I met my two best friends for lunch then I went shopping at the Sack's 5th Ave. outlet. While I was shopping there, (mind you it was Sunday) I walked around the store in Awe. I loved all the fall clothes, pretty handbags, designer jeans, and everything else that I stopped and looked at. I think I seriously touched 20 purses. I was really enjoying "shopping". For all you moms reading this, I am sure you know the difference between shopping with kids and shopping without kids. Well, I was experiencing shopping without kids.  I  had a few shirts in my hand, nothing else. I was not pushing a stroller, or chasing a toddler in and out of racks and down aisles while picking up something off the floor left and right. I almost felt awkward without having to do all this. Well, to say the least, I was so relaxed from the fabulous massage that I felt high. When I was looking at the purses, I noticed the music had stopped. I was wondering when the next song was going to come on before I noticed a pile of really cute sweaters. I would say about 15 minutes later I was browsing the shoe section and a sales associate looked at me and said, "you do know the store is closed, right?" I said to her, "no wonder the music turned off". I then looked at my phone and it was 6:30. She told me that they close at 6pm. I was still shopping around the store 30 minutes after it closed. That was a first and hopefully last for me. 
When I was pregnant, I blamed everything on having pregnancy brain, well, I blame this one on mommy brain. I don't think it will ever go away, right moms? Another good one. I took Christopher and Charlotte out to breakfast at the bagel shop a while back. I was walking back to our car I was holding charlotte in my arms and holding Christopher's hand. I walked up to a car and started looking for my keys. Christopher started tugging my hand and pulling me toward the other direction. He kept saying, "momma, no car", Yes, you guessed it, I walked up to another car, a tan Tahoe. My car was a few empty spaces down. I gave him a great big hug. He was telling me that that was not our car. 

I had a wonderful birthday. It was a special birthday filled with lots of love and of course, it was my first birthday as a momma of two. I feel truly blessed with all my family and friends in my life--I love you all and thank you for all the the wonderful birthday wishes.

I promise I will be back soon with more stories and pictures. We are going to take the kids to the pumpkin patch this week! Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. Mine was great. Time for Desperate Housewives.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lauren, hope you are doing well! I gave you a Versatile Blogger award, stop by my blog to grab the button :)

