Monday, October 4, 2010

When Momma met Harry!

This weekend was great. We had a busy one. It was filled with a lot of great people, good food and lots of laughs, which I love. It started for us on Friday when we went out for Pizza. Christopher ate 3 pieces of Pep, mushroom and sausage--he likes all the fixings!
On Saturday afternoon, Greg, the kids and I went to Peyton's 2nd birthday party--it was a trash theme because he loves garbage trucks. His mom did such a wonderful job planning a trash party; she is so creative. My favorite part of the party, ok just kidding, my favorite parts of the party were: the garbage truck cake, the small tin trash-can filled with crumbled paper, cereal boxes and coke cans. Peyton's mom had trash in the can and on the grass so the kids could pick up the trash with mini toy trash picker-uppers!  Christopher really enjoyed picking up everything  and putting it in the trash can. The trash picker-upper party favor is Christopher's new favorite toy. I also really liked the white trash Chex party mix. It was D'lish. (Recipe to follow once I get it). And lastly, my favorite part was of course seeing all my mom friends and kiddos. I was so happy to finally hold baby Logan and Caden. The Stream's twin boys are precious. Peyton sure did have a great time at his party along with everyone else. We got home at 7:30pm and the kids were out for the night--they played hard.

Sunday morning was somewhat stressful. Christopher woke up to NO milk, which was a disaster to say the least. He doesn't like change in his routine; the first thing we do every morning is go downstairs and get a sippy-cup of milk. I felt bad that there was no milk for him. Minutes later I get a call from Greg saying that he is sick and coming home. He has kidney stones again! Poor guy. I have no idea why he is continuing to get them--ouch! 
Sunday, late morning we went grocery shopping at Nob Hill. It is interesting to go grocery shopping these days with two kiddies. Charlotte sits in the shopping cart seat and usually plays with a toy or eats something. I always, always end up opening a box of graham crackers, or a 'snackie' type food for the kids to eat while I shop. Keeps them occupied and works like a charm. Christopher  follows me very nicely in grocery stores. IT’S ABOUT TIME!  I have no choice other than to teach him to either hold my hand or hold the cart because Charlotte takes up the seat in the cart now. (I wish every shopping cart was likes Costco's double seat ha!) Christopher has actually been doing an excellent job lately on staying by my side. Christopher likes to sit in the cart  if I am doing a smaller shop. He also likes to sometimes carry a shopping basket and fill it with a few items from our cart. Everyone smiles at me when they see a lil guy walking behind me carrying what is to him, a great big basket.  Yesterday, the items in the basket were his  sandals. He decided to carry them around in the basket-- it was keeping him content, and it was cute. When we checked out he even handed his shoes to the checker. The checker then pretended to scan them. Christopher laughed and said, "funny". All the checkers love Christopher. 
So here is the highlight of the story. I met a very funny man named Harry while grocery shopping. I was pushing the cart with Charlotte in the seat, Christopher was following me and we were headed to the eggs, milk, and butter section. Christopher was right next to me while I was looking for eggs. Just as I turned around to put the egg carton in the cart he went for a carton too! I yelled, "NO! Don't touch that!" (Could you imagine the mess that could have made?) After I said those words, I heard from behind my back, a very deep  chuckle, and a voice that said, "You know, I just jumped 2 feet--I thought you were talking to meeeee!"  I totally startled an older man. This man's name is Harry; he is a dog trainer. Harry told me something I will never forget; he told me that training dogs is a lot like teaching your kids and does not know which one is harder! He also told me not to feel bad for making him stumble along with a funny story: While he was grocery shopping one time with his Labrador and said, "heal", and the dog immediately healed by his side. Another parent/shopper who saw that  looked at him and said, "I wish I could get my kids to do that". On my way home I was still cracking up on how Harry thought I Was yelling at him not to touch the butter he was reaching for and how training your dog could really be like teaching your kids. I guess I often do say: No! get down, stop, come here, sit down and good job! Harry was a crack up and I think he was extra funny to me because I really, really, really  like dogs :) 
Sunday night I did my usual, watch my favorite show Desperate Housewives. This time I watched it with my neighbor. My neighbor is super sweet and she loves the show too. We  watched the show at my house and had a great time. We drank some wine and ate brownies. I also had some very much needed adult conversation. I really like Sunday's. 
I hope everyone else had a great weekend full great people, good food and many laughs. By the way, SO loving this weather. 

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